Do you have the same obvious question when you open your Instagram account? Do you wonder what to post on Instagram every day? Maybe, you ask yourself or Google, how to find Instagram post ideas?
Below is our list of 5 creative post ideas for Instagram.
🔍 Share a tip
Depending on your experience and interests, you can share a tip with your followers. It can be about anything (a beauty tip, time management advice or tips to save money).
🔍 Jump on a trend
People want to be entertained on social media. Trends and challenges are great ways to inject some fun into your profile. Things like these keep your account fresh and also increase engagement.
🔍 What issue means the most to you
Share information and insights about the issues you’re passionate about!
Plastic pollution? Climate Change? Donating a percentage of your profits? Let your audience know how you’re creating positive social and environmental change, now and in the future.
🔍 Question Sticker
Asking questions creates opportunities to get your followers sharing their thoughts and ideas. These user insights can help you come up with even better content in the future.
🔍 Goal of the month/week/year
What’s your goal for the week/month? Let your followers know about it. It is a great opportunity to directly engage with them.
Don’t limit yourself to the features that are available within Instagram. Expand your creativity and test out a variety of different tools/apps that keep your content fresh. You can learn about as many as ten such applications from our material “10 Applications for Magnificent Stories”.