4 min readJul 24, 2019

8 brands already using the power of nano-influencers

When it comes to nano-influencers (those with fewer than 1,000 followers), many people believe their use is relegated to the world of small start-ups without big advertising budgets. In reality, some of the world’s largest brands have already begun to harness the power of the nano-influencer community. Why? Because while nano-influencers may have a small following, they make a big impact.

Here are how 8 brands are already utilizing the nano-influencer trend. If you haven’t tapped this new ad channel, it’s time to catch up!

1.MAC Cosmetics. The number of nano-influencers on social media is increasing every day. What does that mean for top brands? A previously untapped source of advertising. This is why Mac cosmetics actively supports bloggers with a small audience and often reposts their photos and reviews to their own page. These types of recommendations are incredibly valuable for brands because they are genuine: real reviews by real people. Reposting such photos helps build a loyal community around the brand. For example, Ayça Kalayci has only about 1200 followers.

2. Dove. When a friend gives you advice about a product,, his recommendation is much more personal than when you hear it from celebrities; it’s not a forced promotion. You know they genuinely like the product. That’s why nano-influencers’ recommendations are more likely to translate to new customers. So, when Dove launched a new product on the market: a scrub that doesn’t just exfoliate, but also nourishes skin — Exfoliating Body Polish, they chose to engage nano-influencers as a way to raise awareness of the product. Those who liked the product were asked to add a link to the product in their profile bio. Just look at Ritso Yipsa. She only has 1,3k subscribers, but was paid to post an ad for Dove.

3. Dyson. Dyson has cleverly realized that humans aren’t the only influencers: pets can be too! Cats and dogs have a lot of influence over their owners’ decisions, which is why their «advice» on social media is pretty effective. Just look at @mochi_fluffpom. With about 3k subscribers, she becomes a good promoter for Dyson by posting an ad about how fast her hair dries with Dyson’s hair dryer.

4. IKEA. This iconic brand affects the purchase behavior of the people who love hygge style and making their home cozy by improving its interior. To increase awareness of their products, they use the power of nano-influence. In their POD campaign, IKEA invited 390 interior-enthusiastic influencers to use their 2019 catalogue and take beautiful photos. The posts encouraged thousands of people to buy a new catalogue for inspiration.

5. Gett. Gett Taxi has been very active in using nano-power — and they’ve already reaped big benefits. By collaborating with MNFST, they received personalized ads from thousands of people.

6. Mcdonalds. We’ve all tried Big Mac, and last year Mcdonalds organized a flashmob consisting of micro- and nano-influencers to celebrate 50 years since the iconic burger has been on the market. The brand produced over six billion Big Mac “coins” (currency for a free sandwich) all over the world, which were then handed out by influencers from different countries.

7. Clinique. Nano influencers are probably the most powerful group in the influencer marketing sphere. Unlike big influencers, whose audiences have fewer similarities, nano-influencers’ subscribers have similar interests making it easier for brands to more effectively and narrowly target their future customers. For that reason, Clinique often uses smaller bloggers to promote their products, such as Alexis Baker. With just 3k subscribers she works with Clinique, advertising their products to her followers.

8. Ideal Flatmate. Do celebrities with millions of subscribers know exactly who is following them? No. But nano-influencers do. Nano-influencers know the interests of their subscribers, and therefore, what recommendations are best to make. By working with MNFST, Ideal Flatmate has built relationships with hundreds of nano-influencers who are promoting their product to their targeted audience. And the better your targeting, the bigger the impact of your ads.

Nano-influencers are the future of influencer marketing. No matter the size of your brand, these influencers are an effective and efficient way to increase your brand awareness and build a loyal community. As media becomes more fragmented, the role of the nano- and micro-influencer will become even more important as brands look to target a specific niche in the market. These influencers have strong and engaged followings with audiences that trust them and often make purchase decisions based on their recommendations.

Not sure where to start? MNFST opens up the exclusive world of 200mn+ nano influencers that are set to be unlocked.

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MNFST — a digital profile company. Engaging content that works. Created by people to inspire friends.