CPA: what is it and how can creators make more money on the mnfst app?
There are two common payment models for advertising campaigns for influencers: CPM and CPA.
CPM (Cost Per Mile/Thousand) rewards are based on the views that are generated (typically calculated as the price per 1,000 views), while CPA (Cost Per Action) rewards are dependent on the number of target actions generated.
The CPM, in general, is a more or less understandable format: you publish advertising material in your post or stories and get rewarded for the number of views generated. For example, if the CPM rate is $20, for every 2,000 views you’ll earn $40, but if your post generates 5,300 views, then your reward increases to $106.
CPA is more complicated, since here you’re rewarded not for the views generated, but for the actions performed by your friends/followers (for example, clicks on links, purchases, installs and etc. are all classed as “actions”). For example, if the CPA rate is $20, for 10 actions you’ll earn $200, even if your post generates less than 100 views.
As a rule, in most cases, CPA campaign rewards are typically higher, due to the nature of the format and the fact that these are contingent on the actions being generated. In other words, the compensation is not guaranteed, but if the influencer does manage to master the art of CPA, the rewards will be higher. Let’s find out why.
At first glance, it might seem that the CPM format is more rewarding, because its “guaranteed”. However, CPA terms are sometimes more attractive for influencers:
Firstly, with this format, you’re not limited to a one-time payment, as it is with regular CPM campaigns. One post or story may attract an unlimited number of referrals and, consequently, unlimited payments, as it depends solely on the number of eligible actions.
Secondly, you can participate in different campaigns at the same time.
Thirdly, the CPA format is more profitable than CPM for influencers with small but loyal and highly engaged audiences.
Hopefully, by now, you’ve decided that you would like to at least try the CPA format! How do you get involved in such campaigns?
Firstly, you need to log in to the mnfst app and go to the “Actions” tab, then choose the campaign/offer that is most relevant to you and tap on it. Read the rules carefully, make sure you understand them and voila! You are ready to share your unique link.
How can you share your unique link?
Option 1.
Copy the link from the app and send it directly to your friends through personal messages in any messenger (Telegram, WhatsApp, FB and others). Your friend will need to follow your link and perform the required action, according to the rules of the campaign. The action should be done in the same browser the link was opened in.
Option 2.
You can place your referral link in your bio on Instagram and tell your friends/subscribers about it in stories or posts.
Option 3.
In addition to the above-mentioned methods, if you’ve been developing your profile for a relatively long period and the number of your followers has already reached 10,000 or more people, you can post stories telling about the brand and its offer and attach your link using the swipe-up function.