I joined the MNFST movement today to tell all of my friends and followers: “I love this brand, I want to help it grow, I got paid for doing so, and it’s ok.”
All of us have our online assets, even if we do not realize it. These are our personal profiles on social networks, messengers, and communication platforms.
All of us have been working for years to build them: we wrote posts, we made friends, we chatted and we shared. Our profiles are our assets.
We can make them work for us. We can all earn money.
MNFST gives all of us equal rights to help those who advertise spread the word around. Think how many times you have done it before. I will tell you — hundreds. Did you ever check-in at an event or restaurant? Have you ever liked a page/team/movie? Or shared a photo or video that was not posted by you? Yes you did. You helped those whom you like get more popular. Now you can make money for doing so.
MNFST has finally made it transparent, fair and open for everyone.
If you believe it’s time to make internet a place where we all can earn some money and help great products, people, movies get more popular — join the Manifest movement.
1. What is your biggest online asset and how can you make it work for you?
The shared economy phenomenon has led to a new paradigm: we got used to earning money from our assets that we could not monetize previously. Think about your cars (Uber, Lyft, BlaBlaCar), rooms and homes (AirBnB, HomeAway) and even money (Lending Club) just to mention a few. Trying to make your assets work is something that a new generation of entrepreneurs all over the world are working on. This phenomena has been welcomed by people and has become a natural thing for our physical assets. However, what about our online assets? Do we even have any?
The online world is no longer something ancillary, peripheral. It is now a part of our everyday life (Figure 1). There are 7.65 billion of us on the planet, more than a half of us use the internet and nearly 3.4 billion now use social media at least once a month, with more than 91% of them doing so via mobile devices. On average, adults worldwide have accounts on 7,6 networks and are active on 2.82 of them. This may help to explain why the time spent on social networks continues to rise. No one can deny, that the online world and social media are a big part of our lives nowadays.
And let us tell you one thing, you do possess online assets, which can be very valuable. It is your user profile. To be even more precise it is your avatar/profile picture your selfie. Profile pictures are the most explicit expression of us. The online world first sees you and starts judging you by your profile picture. You send your first message to the online and introduce yourself to the world by selecting your avatar. Your profile picture often helps you to express your beliefs and thoughts and sympathize with events, things and people. Thanks to the growth of social media networks (figure 2), our biggest asset is our social media profile, which up until now could be only monetized by the very few (i.e. bloggers or celebrities).
We tend to think of an asset as something that required resources to be acquired. However, if you think about how much time you spent on social media, how many posts you made, how many friends you connected with, how many likes and comments you posted throughout all those years… Everything starts to add up.
Everything you have done to grow your personal network counts. Every post, like, friend, comment, video, photo taken — everything you do online makes you more noticeable. It raises the awareness of your network, the people who are friends with you or follow you start noticing what you like, prefer, hate or believe in.
If you still have doubts, think about bloggers and celebrities. Would you agree that their profiles are their assets that help them earn real money?
So why do you think your profile cannot do the same? It certainly can. Yes, maybe on a slightly different scale. But who knows, maybe in 1 or 2 years from now your online network will grow and your profile will become as influential as that of celebrities. In short, our message is that with MNFST, you do not have to have 1 million followers to earn money.
2. What is wrong with the market now
The world’s advertising industry is growing year by year, the average forecasted growth for the period 2016–2021 is 4% annually:
With Internet advertising set to make 50% of global ad revenues pretty soon.
An important part of digital ads is the social media advertising. Social media advertising market is on the rise. The main driver of social media ads growth is the constant growth of the penetration of social media.
With more users and with higher user engagement social media companies increase their revenues, while the users do not get anything. Still the social media users are the asset and big power.
Although we all understand that digital ads are fundamental for internet existence, let’s have a slightly different look at this phenomenon.
Can social networks and messengers exist without users? Certainly not. We are the essentials elements of the ecosystem. Without us, our posts, our likes, our comments, our interactions social networks and messengers would not simply exist.
Platforms (social networks and messengers) charge advertisers billions of dollars so that we, users, could see their ads….
MNFST believes it’s not a totally fair system. Each of us, being a part of the equation should be able to participate in revenue distribution.
This is why MNFST was born: we want to give every single user a chance to express her loyalty, promote things she likes and get fairly compensated for doing so. Be it 10 cents per day or 20 dollars — doesn’t matter. We want the system to be fair.
3. What is MNFST and how it works:
MNFST was created to make Internet fairer. The MNFST team believes that we, users, are the fundamental elements of the online world. Users can express loyalty and sympathy and get compensated for doing so. No matter how large or small your network is — there is always something that is relevant to your friends and followers.
MNFST is a platform for advertisers to create ad campaigns and set up rewards for users in exchange for placing those ads on their social media profiles.
MNFST is an unlimited source of new brand ambassadors: people who influence their friends and followers everyday. Why do advertisers love MNFST? Because:
- Word of mouth and personal referrals are one of the most powerful marketing channels, helping businesses acquire new, loyal customers with the highest LTV versus other traditional channels. For some businesses referrals are responsible for up to 70% of new clients.
- Advertisers set the pricing themselves, giving them full control over the cost for the impressions and activations generated by MNFST users.
- There are more than 9.5 billion social media accounts and each of them can be your brand ambassador. MNFST’s reach is unrivaled.
- Traditional advertising is outdated. MNFST brings engaging and personalised ads that are based on segmentation and AR technology.
- More than 3 billion people use social media. Your potential customers will probably ignore you if you try to reach them directly, but they will listen if your message is delivered to them by their friends. MNFST can help you do that.
Does controlling a social media campaign with a billion users sound impossible or unrealistic? It should not:
i) MNFST’s platform will only engage participants that meet your targeting criteria
ii) the content is moderated by machine learning algorithms that ensure your brand always stays safe and
iii) the financial side is seamless — there is no reward negotiation and all the payouts are automated
Manifest, as the first crowd-promotion platform in the world, is a phenomenal opportunity for brands looking to be creative and innovative to partner with millions of potential promoters and gain the maximum benefit from a completely new way to interact with users on social media.
This is an even better proposition for users:
Would you like to earn $5 per day for promoting things you like? Can this be fun? We Sure! Once you download our app you are only minutes away from earning money:
a) Sign in with your social network account
b) Get your Social Capital Score
c) Instantly see how much you can earn
d) Choose brands, events, people, movies that you want to promote
e) Customise your page look with an ad campaign
f) Make a personalized promotion by pressing one button
g) That it is it — you have just started making money
h) Make your profile work — every 24 hours count
Discover new campaigns everyday. MNFST will show users the most relevant ad campaigns based on their demographics, interests, and profitability to participate. The key difference of MNFST is that users will earn real money, not gifts/miles or discount points. This is what celebrities and bloggers do and we believe that everybody should be able to monetise their social media accounts.
Obviously all users are different: we all have a different number of friends, our social activity differs, thus the index of our influence also varies. MNFST system takes that into account by calculating your social capital score. Users can increase it in order to become more influential and get better paid. MNFST will give it’s users a fair and clear guidance on how this could be done.
4. When do you guys start?
Good news is that we already started. Download MNFST app.
We have launched our first paid Manifest campaigns in the UK with our amazing partners Gett and IdealFlatMate. Many more will follow soon.
Support what you love, earn what you deserve.
Stay tuned.